Is Crab Halal or Haram? Islamic View

Is Crab Halal

Crab is one of the most consumable seafood. Many people worldwide love to eat crab. However, when it comes to the Muslim community, a question comes into our mind or also in Muslim people struck on it is crab halal and haram in Islam?

This article will provide you with depth knowledge about this most popular topic knowing what to eat haram and what eating halal is also part of the Muslim faith. So read this article thoroughly. You will understand what Muslim scholars say about crab halal or haram in Islam.

What is Crab?

A crab is a creature of god. It is usually found in oceans, and some crabs live on land. Most of the crab has five or ten legs and a pair of claws. Crab bodies are like a cover which seems like a stone. We can recognise it by its hard exoskeleton crab belonging to the order Brachyura.

Various types of crabs; have different shapes and sizes or colours. It depends on the species. Crabs are also known as these creatures that can walk on land and underwater. Crabs can move right and left by their legs. Crabs also can find their food easily through their sense.

When it comes to crab food, what does a crab eat? It has been seen they consume small fishes, molluscs, plants and detritus.

Understand halal and haram in islam

In Islam, halal and haram concepts are apparent. Our be loved. The prophet Muhammad PBUH told us Halal meaning is lawful and permissible in Islam, whereas haram refers to what is prohibited and sinful in Islam.

Suppose we follow Islamic rules about halal and haram concepts to strengthen our beliefs. Also, Allah SWT makes you rank high among the people. Before consuming anything, always ensure whether it is halal or haram, according to Islam.

Different Opinion Of Scholars

As we all know, seafood is classified into two groups: fish and non-fish. Eating fish is permissible in Islam. All scholars accept this. It considers halal. When it comes to non-fish seafood, Islamic scholar has a different opinion. Some it allows to consume, and some of these seafood are not halal such as crab, shrimp, and lobster.

Islamic scholars have a different opinion for crab is halal or haram in Islam. Some scholars say it falls into the seafood category, which is permissible to consume; however, a vast majority of scholars argue eating it is forbidden they have disagreed with it.

Scholars’ opinion For crab being halal.

The scholars who support crabs being halal say it’s similar to fish, living in the water and possessing exoskeletons. They argue it falls into the halal seafood category. Also, they consider this Quran verse, Allah SWT says in the holy Quran.

“Lawful to you is (the pursuit of) water-game and its use for food – for the benefit of yourselves and those who travel…” [al-Maa’idah 5:96].”

It is He who has made the sea subservient so that you can eat from it tender meat and extract ornaments that you wear.” (Quran 16:14). 

A hadith states: “A group of the Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) asked about eating crabs. The Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘Eat them and mention the Name of Allah when you start to eat them.’” 

The Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘Every moving creature of the sea is halal and lawful for you to eat, and the fish in the sea are like sheep amongst cattle.

The scholars who argue for crab halal took evidence from these hadith and holy Quran verses. According to these verses, as Allah SWT mentioned, “It is He who has made the sea subservient so that you can eat from it tender meat and extract ornaments that you wear.” (Quran 16:14). However, the scholars argue for crab being haram. They say these Quran verses for fishes. 

Is Crab Halal?

A lot of things need to be clarified about consuming it. Crab is not allowed in Islamic law according to Hanafi jurisprudence, they don’t allow it to consume, but in Shafai jurisprudence, they allow crab consumption.

The people and scholars arguing about crab being halal usually took evidence from the holy Quran verses.

It is He who has made the sea subservient so that you can eat from it tender meat and extract ornaments that you wear.” (Quran 16:14). 

“Lawful to you is (the pursuit of) water-game and its use for food – for the benefit of yourselves and those who travel…” [al-Maa’idah 5:96].”

The Argument for Crab Being Haram.

When it comes to the Argument for being haram, scholars say the crab lives in water and land, and they argue that the absence of scales distinguishes crab fish, which makes crab haram impermissible to consume it. Crab is not allowed in Islamic law according to Hanafi jurisprudence.

Some scholars say that Crab and lobsters are not permissible to eat. The reason behind the Crab is Arabic sartan, and these crustaceans are considered barmaid.


There is a lot of misconception regarding crab halal or haram in Islam. This is the better Always, before eating crab and other doubtful food, try to avoid it because Allah SWT makes many things halal for a Muslim, which is undoubtful, and Allah knows the best.

Straightforward Crab is not allowed in Islamic law according to Hanafi jurisprudence, they don’t allow to consume, but in Shafai jurisprudence, they allow crab consumption.

Allah says in holy Quran: “… Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you…” [al-Baqarah 2:185]

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