How many times do Muslims pray a day and what timings they pray?

How many times do Muslims pray a day

Assalamualaikum my brothers and sisters today through this article we will talk about How Many Times do Muslims Pray a Day?

Being a muslim it is very important to pray five times in a day because salah is the second major pillar of islam is the mandatory round of ritual prayers that every muslim performs five times in a day.

Salah means connection; As prayer connects the servant with his creator.

While reading the salah muslim thank Allah SWT for all that he has given to us and we also apologise to Allah for all mistakes made by us intentionally and unintentionally.

We pray to Allah SWT for all beautiful blessings and hope that Allah SWT would fulfil all of it.

You must have observed muslims reading the namaz and some sit ups performed by them. That is actually different positions of salah. 

The position in which we stand in front of Allah SWT and stand with due respect. We believe that Allah is the king of this word, so we stand in front of him with due respect and read namaz.

This article will explore all the different prayers and the exact time of salah. As we all know, Muslims pray five times a day. Also, we will learn why prayer is so essential in Islam.

Let’s dive into this amazing topic: How Many Times do Muslims Pray a Day?

How many times do Muslims pray a day?

At minimum a Muslim prays 5 times a day. These are the names of the 5 prayers in chronological order in which the time to pray them starts.

  • Fajr – Before sunrise
  • Zuhr – Before midday
  • Asr – Afternoon
  • Maghrib – Near sundown
  • Isha – Before midnight

There are extra voluntary prayers like Sunnah and Witr.

I also believe that the time depends on which school of thought you align yourself with (Shafi’i, Hanbali, Hanafi, Maliki) though it doesn’t affect it too much. Forgive me if I have made a mistak.

In addition, Allah SWT gives us the thajjaud prayer, which is not obligatory for those who want forgiveness and fulfil their needs. Also, the thajjaud prayer has lots of benefits.

What are the five daily prayers called in Arabic?

The five daily prayers include: Fajr (sunrise prayer), Dhuhr (noon prayer), Asr (afternoon prayer), Maghrib (sunset prayer), and Isha (night prayer).

What times do Muslims pray?

How many times do Muslims pray a day
How many times do Muslims pray a day?

The five daily prayers are obligatory (fard) and they are performed at times determined essentially by the position of the Sun in the sky. Hence, salah or prayer times vary at different locations on the Earth.

Fajr (dawn)

Fajr begins at subh saadiq – true dawn or the beginning of twilight, when the morning light appears across the full width of the sky – and ends at sunrise.

Zuhr (midday)

The time interval for offering the Zuhr or Dhuhr prayer starts after the sun passes its zenith and lasts until 20 min (approx) before the call for the Asr prayer is to be given.

There is thus an extended period within which this prayer can be offered, but people usually make their prayer within two hours after the Azan has been announced from Mosque.

Asr (afternoon)

The Asr prayer starts when the shadow of an object is the same length as the object itself (or, according to Hanafi fiqh , twice its length) plus the shadow length at zuhr and lasts till sunset.

Asr can be split into two sections; the preferred time is before the sun starts to turn orange, while the time of necessity is from when the sun turns orange until sunset.

Maghrib (sunset)

The Maghrib prayer begins when the sun sets and lasts till the red light has left the sky in the west. It usually lasts about 16 to 20 minutes from the start of Maghrib Time.

Isha (night)

The isha prayer starts when the red light is gone from the western sky, and lasts until the rise of the “white light” (fajr sadiq) in the east. The preferred time for Isha is at night or before midnight.

What are the 5 daily prayers in Islam?

  • Fajr (morning prayer) – right before sunrise
  • Dhuhr (midday prayer) – a few minutes past noon
  • Asr (afternoon prayer) – a couple of hours before sunset when the daylight starts dimming
  • Maghrib (evening prayer) – when it’s almost sunset
  • Isha (night prayer) – hours after sunset and preferably before midnight

Other optional prayers are based on personal circumstances and various occasions, but the above are mandatory prayers.

Fajr (Dawn Prayer)

Fajr; comes from the Arabic word dawn or the or to burst forth. I believe it is one prayer that most of us struggle to leave our beds for our sleep, so why do we need to do our best to pray Fajr.

According to Ibn Majah: whoever offers the Fajr prayer, he is under the protection of Allah.”

Success, health and well-being are all things we desire; but did you know: that the two voluntary rakah of Fajr are better than this world are all that it contains;

Imagine the sublime reward from such a small act of worship. Fajr is a time in which the angels bear witness: “there are angels who take return in visiting you by night and by day, and they all assemble at dawn (Fajr) and the afternoon (Asar) prayer.

Dhuhr (Noon prayer)

The time of dhuhr is from the zawal which is five seven minutes after the sun leaves meridian and goes to the east leaving a short shade directing to the west.

Narrated Abu Huraira and ‘Abdullah bin Umar:

Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said, “If it is very hot, then pray the Zuhr prayer when it becomes (a bit) cooler, as the severity of the heat is from the raging of the Hell-fire.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

Asr (Late afternoon prayer)

Timings of Asr prayers start when the shadow of an object begins exceeding the size of the thing. The timing of Asr ends when the Sun turns yellow before setting.

However, if someone got late for some reason, he is still allowed to offer his Asr instead of missing it.

Abu Hurairah (R.A) says that the prophet (SAW) said, listen carefully Muslim.

That angels have shifted over you, like in Angels come to stay with you for the night and then go up to the heavens, and then other Angels come and visit during the day and go up at night. The shift swap times are Fajr and Asr.

Maghrib (Sunset prayer)

Maghrib is one of the five obligatory prayers Muslims must pray. Its time enters when the Sun ultimately sets (meaning it completely disappears from the horizon).

It’s time when the redness in the sky post-sundown completely disappears. The specific times vary from place to place, so refer to your specific’s city’s timetable to know when the Maghrib time enters and ends.

Most beloved salah by Allah

Prophet (SAW) “The prayer most favoured by Allah is the magrib salah” And one who prays two more rak’ahs after. “Allah will build a house for him in paradise where he will Dwell and find comfort”.

Isha (Night prayer)

According to the narrations of the Holy Prophet PBUH, Isha salah’s timing starts from twilight disappearing and can be offered when one-third of the night is passed.

that the Prophet (SAW) said, “Jibril led me in Salah twice near Bayt Allah. The first time, we offered the Salah of Zuhr when the shadow was like the thong of a shoe.

We offered Asr when the shadow of everything was equal to it, and maghrib after sunset when the fasting man takes iftar (breaks his fast), and Isha when the twilight disappeared, and fajr when one who fasts is forbidden food and drink.

The second time, we offerred Zuhr when the shadow of everything was like it in length at the time of Asr on the previous day. Then we offered the Asr when the shadow of everything was twice as long.

We prayed Maghrib at the same time as the previous day; we prayed Isha when one-third of the night was over and Fajr when the earth was well-lit. Then Jibril turned to me and said;

“O Muhammad! This was the time observed by Prophets before you, and the time (of five Salah) is between these two times.” [Ahmed 3081, Abu Dawud 393]

When do Muslims pray?

Reported from his father (Buraidah (RA). He said someone came to the Prophet (SAW) and asked him about the times of salah.

He said, “Stay with us, Insha-Allah.”Then he commanded Sayyidina Bilal (RA) and he called the Iqamah at the time of rise of dawn.

Then he commanded Sayyidina Bilal (RA) and he gave the Iqamah at the declination of the sun and (they) offered the Zuhr Salah.

Then he commanded him (Bilal) and he called the iqamah and (they) offered the asr while the sun was high and bright. Then when the sun set, he gave the command for Maghrib. 

Then he gave the command for Isha and he called the iqamah when the twilight had disappeared. Then, the next day, he gave the command and the fair was offered in a good light.

Then he commanded for the Zuhr and they offered it when the extreme heat had cooled down. Then he gave the command for the Asr and he gave the iqamah when the sun’s time was more delayed than the previous day.

Then he gave the command for Maghrib and (they) offered it a little before twilight disappeared. Then he gave the command for Isha and he called its iqamah when a third of the night had passed. 

Then the Prophet (SAW) asked,

“Where is he who had asked about the times of Salah?” He said, “Here am I!” So, he said, “The times of Salah are between these two times.” [Ahmed 23016, Nisai 515, Ibn e Majah 667, Muslim 613]

What is the value of salah?

He is the one we put our head on the ground for how can we want blessing in our wealth when the owner of of blessing is disregarded five times a day we don’t even read salah can I get happiness whilst I am going against the owner of happiness.

My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, the devil, was cursed. He was thrown out of paradise, guaranteed hell fire for eternity and was given the curse of Allah SWT for refusing one sajdah.

To who? To Adam (A.S), to a man.

What is going to happen to us? We refuse to bow down to the lord of heaven and the earth. The devil cries every single time we go into sujood. He cries.

That Adam (A.S) was ordered to make sujood, and he made sujood, and I was ordered to make sujood, and I refused.

How long does it take to pray?

Brothers and sisters, you should know that the fact of praying 5 times a day is not a sunna but an obligation; how comes that some Muslims find it very difficult?

This is something for just 25 up to 40 mins, brothers and sisters. How many hours do we have a day? Twenty-four hours so brothers, sisters, you find it challenging to take something like 90 min a day?

Who is not required to pray in Islam?

Off the top of my head, Muslims are not obligated to pray if they are:

  • In a Coma
  • Have not reached the age of puberty
  • Are in immense pain
  • Menstruating
  • Have to combine prayers due to an event of urgency or inability to go to the mosque if they live near one
  • Are in great danger
  • If praying would cause harm to anyone

So pretty much any practical reason. It is important to note that prayer is one of the essential aspects of Islam and that one should plan their life around the blessings, not the other way around.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught us that if we cannot pray to stand, we should pray sitting; if we cannot do that, we should pray to lie down, and if we cannot do that, we should pray with our eyes.

Where do Muslims face when they pray?

We face a particular direction (or a point/location on Earth) when we pray. That’s known as Qibla.

Earlier at the time of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him; the Qibla was the temple of Jerusalem/Masjid al Aqsa.

Later, God commanded us to change our Qibla towards the Kaaba(the First Prayer House created on Earth, as many say).

It doesn’t have anything to do with the building. It’s the location. We don’t bow down to that building. We bow down in that direction.

No matter where they are, every Muslim in the world will constantly pray in this direction. What unites us all.

The only exception (to my knowledge) to this is when a person travels and doesn’t know the direction of the Qibla.

Where do Muslims go to pray if they’re at work or school?

In schooling years we use to go to Mosque just for Friday prayers . and at work we have separate place [room] for prayers

Muslims pray direct to God?

The five daily Contact Prayers are essential aspects of Submission (Islam). They are constant reminders of our Creator throughout the day by bowing and prostrating before Him.

Allah SWT does not need any of our prayers. It is we who need these practices to redeem ourselves and attain certainty. Observing the direct-contact prayers are among the traits of the believers.

To believe that anyone, other than God, can intercede on our behalf to have our sins forgiven or our wishes fulfilled, is to set up partners with God. This is idolatry.

The Quran proclaims that “All intercession belongs to God” (Q39:44), and that there will be “no intercession on the Day of Judgment” (Q2:254).

Muslims pray in the mosque, though they can pray anywhere?

As a general rule, Muslims can pray anywhere, provided it is:

  • Clean
  • Not an idol worshipping place,
  • Not a place where sins are committed, such as bars, casinos, etc.
  • Not a facility exposed to dirt such as animal places, slaughterhouses, toilets, etc.

On the other hand, historically, Muslims prayed in churches when they couldn’t find a suitable place.

When calling for prayer, Muslim congregational prayers at Mosques are highly encouraged and are considered of much higher reward than just praying on your own.

Daily five prayers are still permissible on your own but are considered a lesser reward if there are no specific reasons for missing the congregation.

Rightful reasons could be sickness, disability, obstacles such as transport, rain, safety etc.

Prophet Mohammad said:

Prayer in congregation is twenty seven times more superior to the prayer offered by person alone.” (sahih Bukhari #645)

Muslims go through ritual washing before praying?

Islamic (obligatory or non-obligatory) Prayer has its conditions, pillars and requirements, and also things that are recommended by Sunnah (the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)).

As a Muslim, I must perform 5 obligatory prayers a day at different prescribed times.

One of the conditions that have to be met before the prayer for it to be valid is to be in a state of purity (having wudu’ (ablution) or taking a ghusl (a full body wash) to remove ritual impurity). Otherwise, the prayer is invalid, and it must be repeated.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is 5 times prayer mentioned in the Quran?

No, The Quran doesn’t say to pray 5 times a day, but It says to follow the orders of the prophet, who said there are 5 prayers daily.

How long does Fajr take to pray?

Fajr prayer One before the sun rise , which is for 10–15 minutes.

How many hours should you pray a day?

This is something for just 25 up to 40 mins, brothers and sisters. How many hours do we have a day? Twenty-four hours so brothers, sisters, you find it challenging to take something like 90 min a day?

Conclusion: How many times do Muslims pray

It is usually seen Muslims and non-Muslims think about how Many times Muslims pray a day, so we have covered all the obligatory prayers which are mandatory for all Muslims.

Pray five times a day, which is made compulsory (farz) after age ten. It depends on the position of the sun.

My brothers and sisters, you should know that praying 5 times a day is not a sunna but an obligation; how come some Muslims find it very difficult?

Salah is Allah’s most beloved act of worship and is ordained upon all Muslims. The prescribed five daily prayers are mandatory for all individuals post-puberty as commanded in the Quran.

Salah is the second pillar of Islam. Salah is a gift from God to Muhammad PBUH. Allah SWT has directed time and again in the holy Quran for regularly praying it.

Muhammad PBUH prayed Salah in wars and travelling. Salah is the worship of God in which all body parts are engaged. Salah is a key to Jannah (Heaven ).

Salah doesn’t goes towards bad habits. Salah is the best way to thank Allah.

Make dua that your heart feels the happiness of salah. Make an effort to improve your salah. Stay steadfast in prayer in its time. And be honest and open with Allah in your sujood.

Make it an actual conversation with someone who knows you better than yourself.

Today through this article, we learned about the exact meaning of salah and what its importance is salah in Islam. And what time we should pray salah.

I humbly request to all Muslim brothers and sisters today that Allah SWT gives us a good chance to pray on their time. So, all Muslims must work on their prayer.

Five-time praying salah is compulsory to everyone after ten on the right time, so make a habit to salah and get achievement in the word and Jannah thanks. Keep remembering in your precious dua.

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