Asslamualekum my brothers and sisters I hope you are well today through this article will discuss about Are Tattoos haram forbidden in islam.
Friends, Islam is the only religion that tells human beings the right way to live life. Just as our prophet has said how to live his life, in the same way, he has also told us to avoid those things which are haram in Islam and are harmful to human beings too.
For your information, let us tell you that only those things have been described as Haram, which harms a person in Islam. That’s why we should be thankful to Allah and that we should be born in the house of a Muslim alhamdulillah.
Our bodies were given to us by the almighty who made us. So, they don’t belong to us. That’s why when someone passes on, we usually say Inna lillahi Wa Inna eleyhi razioon. It means we all belong to Allah. We’re Allah ultimately going to return to Allah.
So when Allah gave me the body, it’s only to use for a few years that I’m on earth. After that, it will decompose into the soil in the case of the vast majority.
Today, with the help of Are Tattoos haram article, we will know the rule of Islam regards tattoos.
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What are Tattoos?
So if I get a waterproof drawing on my arm and I can feel that this part is skin. When I put on the print or tattoo, it feels like there’s a plastic layer on my arm. This does not allow it to reach your skin. Hence, you cannot apply this because your wudu is not valid. Your gusul would not be accurate.
Doing tattooing or having a tattoo done on yourself both are haram, and Allah curses such people tattooing means. You take a needle, and you inject dyes. One of the commonest ways is that you take out blood and in place of blood you put a dye maybe blue colour or any other colour this is called a tattoo.
Are Tattoos Haram in Islam?
Our beloved prophet Muhammad PBUH said, “In a hadith in Shahi Bukhari, ibn Masood may Allah peace be upon him said, ‘Allah curses women who tattoo themselves, and who get tattoos.
He also curses women who remove hair from the face and the eyebrows. And women who make artificial gaps between her teeth or change their structure. Will I not curse those women who the prophet has cursed or Allah has cursed in his book?
Is it a Sin to get a Tattoo in Islam?
Doing tattooing or having a tattoo done on yourself both are haram, and Allah curses such people tattooing means. You take a needle, and you inject dyes. One of the commonest ways is that you take out blood and in place of blood you put a dye maybe blue colour or any other colour this is called a tattoo.
Our beloved prophet Muhammad, PBUH, said in a hadith in Shahi Bukhari that ibn Masood, may Allah be please with him, said Allah curses women who do tattooing, get tattoos, and remove hair from the face and the eyebrows.
Also cursed are women who make artificial gaps between their teeth or change the structure Allah gave them. Will I not curse those the prophet or Allah has cursed in his book?
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Are Temporary Tattoos Haram?
Tattooing is a major sin in Islam if you put or apply a tattoo metaphorically, but it is not. It doesn’t fulfill the condition of tattooing, and it does not fall under its category because a one-week tattoo is permissible. This is like applying henna or mehndi, so applying henna is not problematic because it takes a couple of weeks and fades away.
So if I get something that is drawn on my arm which is waterproof and I can feel that this part of the skin is skin and when I put on print or tattoo, it feels that like there’s a plastic layer on my arm, this does not allow to reach your skin. Hence, you cannot apply this because your wudu is not valid. Your gusul would not be accurate.
Can I pray with tattoo?
Yes, you can. The Muslim must realize that they are forgiven for all the bad deeds they may have done before they became Muslim. And the evidence is the following Hadith:
It was narrated that ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas said: When Allaah put Islam in my heart, I went to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: “Give me your right hand so that I may give you my oath of allegiance.” So he held out his hand, but I held my hand back. He said, “What is the matter, O ‘Amr?” I said, “I want to make a condition.” He said, “What is your condition?” I said, “That I will be forgiven.” He said, “Do you not know that Islam wipes out whatever came before it, and that hijrah (migration for the sake of Allaah) wipes out whatever came before it, and that Hajj wipes out whatever came before it?” (Narrated by Muslim, 121).
Tattooing is a major sin, but Allah will accept his repentance if someone repents it. So long as the Muslim has repented from it, he cannot be blamed or called to account for it. Instead, his destructive deeds are changed into good deeds.
So, your tattoo is no reason for not praying. But, if you have the means and it is proved not to cause you any harm, you may try your best and remove it.
Why are Tattoos Haram?
Tattoos are considered to be changing the creation of Allah SWT Allah created our bodies with no ink as they said, and for you to come, you are surgically inserting ink under the skin, which is a painful process. Where you change the creation of Allah, you imitate the kuffar or disbelievers.
You fall directly under the prohibition of the prophet Muhammad PBUH and the curse because we know that prophet Muhammad PBUH has cursed those tattoo artists and the client who is getting tattooed, so this is prohibited and the major sin that’s why tattoos are haram in Islam.
Quran Verse about Tattoos
So, therefore, What does Quran says about tattoos now? It doesn’t State tattoos at all. It doesn’t comment on them directly.
The Quran clearly states that a seeker of knowledge thinks someone who tries to find knowledge and trust is you know is it’s a good thing. So there are a few verses that we may apply to tattoos and other dress codes and accessories and things like this, so we’ll begin by going through a few verses, interpreting them relating them to tattoos. Still, I have to stress, please do your research on this.
First if we recite Quran surah 24 and Verse 30 it says that and what do scholars mean by this?
And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might
Hadith on Tattoos
“It was narrated that Abu Juhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: ‘The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cursed the one who does tattoos and the one who has a tattoo done.’ “
Sahih Bukhari
“the Prophet (ﷺ) cursed the women who practice tattooing and those who seek to be tattooed, the women who remove hair from their faces seeking beautification by changing the creation of Allah (God).
Sahih Bukhari 2782
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cursed the one who does tattoos, the one who has a tattoo done, the one who consumes riba (usury or interest) and the one who pays it, and he forbade the price of a dog and the earnings of a prostitute, and he cursed the image-makers.”
[Narrated by al-Bukhari, 5032]
it is narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “May Allaah curse the women who do tattoos and those for whom tattoos are done, those who pluck their eyebrows and those who file their teeth for the purpose of beautification and alter the creation of Allaah.
” (al-Bukhaari, al Libaas, 5587; Muslim, al-Libaas, 5538).
Is Getting Allah Tattoo Haram?
According to the Shia’s point of view, it is forbidden for every Muslim to tattoo any word on their body because it is Haram in Islamic law. No matter whether it is Allah’s name or other words.
Indeed, all the names of Allah for Muslims are sacred. They each represent a lot of things even beyond our comprehension.
A little story:
The Prophet Muhammad had a ring with Allah and Muhammad written on it. But he never takes it to the toilet or any dirty place.
I wrote that because I haven’t come across any jurisprudence showing the prohibition of wearing anything. But tattoos are forbidden in Islam, though you are not a Muslim, and that’s not the question.
Anyways, it’s not disrespectful, and it is.
It is because to us, at least people like me, I am glad you have to respect a particular name of my creator, and I am happy about that.
It’s not because we hold Allah’s name in high points and wouldn’t want to see his name in the toilet, in someone’s body while he’s intimate with another person. As mentioned above, the ring of the Prophet was taken off when he went to the toilet and so on. A tattoo will be on the body, and you would go to the toilet with it, sweat on it.
So it’s not disrespectful in a way. But we, as Muslims, wouldn’t like it.
What if you’re a Muslim who already has a Tattoo?
When it comes to someone who already has done tattoos, or sometimes you were not practising much or weren’t a Muslim at a particular stage and did a permanent tattoo, what happens?
You did it, and now you’re regretting it. It’s not easy to remove it because sometimes it is more damaging than just leaving it. You know, make a mistake, and it was there once. If I’m going to try and rectify it, I might damage my body even more, in which case you don’t try and rectify it, you leave it as it is, and you seek the forgiveness of Allah, and he will forgive you inshallah.
Should you Remove the Tattoo if you already have one?
You know, make a mistake, and it was there once. You did it, and now you’re regretting it. It’s not easy to remove it because sometimes it is more damaging than just leaving it. If I’m going to try and rectify it, I might damage my body even more, in which case you don’t try and rectify it, you leave it as it is, and you seek the forgiveness of Allah, and he will forgive you inshallah.
Are Tattoos Halal or Markruh?
Grand Ayatollah Sadiq Hussaini Shirazi ruled: “Tattoos are considered Makruh (disliked and discouraged).
Permanent tattooing is not permissible. This is because it’s a chance for Allah’s creation. Islam views the body as a gift on loan from Allah. Your body is essentially the property of Allah, and you are supposed to return it in as good of condition as you can. There is no comparison between Allah and a car company, but the idea that you should keep your rental in good condition before returning it to its owner is the issue here. If you rent a car and then paint a design, do you think the car rental company would be happy?
What is the punishment for tattoos in Islam?
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cursed the one who does tattoos, the one who has a tattoo done, the one who consumes riba (usury or interest) and the one who pays it, and he forbade the price of a dog and the earnings of a prostitute, and he cursed the image-makers.”
Can you pray if you have a tattoo in Islam?
Yes, you can. The Muslim must realize that they are forgiven for all the bad deeds they may have done before they became Muslim.
Tattooing is a major sin, but Allah will accept his repentance if someone repents it. So long as the Muslim has repented from it, he cannot be blamed or called to account for it. Instead, his destructive deeds are changed into good deeds.
So, your tattoo is no reason for not praying. But, if you have the means and it is proved not to cause you any harm, you may try your best and remove it.
Which Colour is haram in Islam?
Black Is forbidden. This is the most authentic opinion of scholars because the prophet was excellent when it came to the eight years to Makkah and the conquest of Makkah Abu, who had the father of Abu Bakr R.Z. was bought to him. His hair and beard were all white, so the prophet said some changed this whiteness and avoided black, so dyeing and black not permissible.
Can Someone With Tattoos Go To Hajj or Umrah?
Yes, a person with tattoos can go Hajj or Umrah. That was your past dealing, and Allah is a forgiver.
Yes, a person with tattoos can go Hajj. That was your past dealing, and Allah is a forgiver.
Although the person should attempt to get the tattoos removed, it should not prevent someone from fulfilling the obligation of Hajj.
Once Hajj becomes obligatory, and one has the means of fulfilling it, it should be performed even if one has tattoos etc. just as one would need to perform salah with tattoos.
Do You Have to Remove Tattoos If You Got Them Before Accepting Islam?
Some people of them had these tattoos before they accepted Islam. When they reverted, it was impossible to remove it or extremely difficult, painful, or it would be damaged, so you don’t need to remove them. you leave it as it is, and you seek the forgiveness of Allah, and he will forgive you inshallah.
Will My Janazah Be Accepted When I Have Tattoos?
Are Cosmetic Tattoos Permissible?
I understand that the henna tattoos are not permanent, and I’m not sure if that is what you are referring to. However, here is the ruling on tattoos etc.:
Mas’ud (May Allah be pleased with him) said:
Allah has cursed those women who practise tattooing and those women who have themselves tattooed,
And those women who get their hair removed from their eyebrows and faces (except the beard and the moustache), and those who make artificial spaces between their teeth for beauty,
Whereby they change Allah’s creation.
A woman argued with him, saying: “What is all this?”
He replied: “Why should I not curse those whom the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) cursed and who are cursed in Allah’s Book? Allah, the Exalted, has said in His Book:
“And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad (ﷺ)) gives you, take it; and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it).” (59:7) [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
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Is microblading eyebrow permissible?
It would be considered haram in Islam because it is a form of a tattoo. It will scar the skin indefinitely even after the pigment has left, as the pigment is semi-permanent.
What did the Prophet say about tattoos?
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cursed the one who does tattoos, the one who has a tattoo done, the one who consumes riba (usury or interest) and the one who pays it, and he forbade the price of a dog and the earnings of a prostitute, and he cursed the image-makers.”
[Narrated by al-Bukhari, 5032]
Is it haram to be a tattoo artist?
Yes, it is written in Hadith that tattooing your body is haram. And obviously, the one who is making it is doing a Haram act. And more thing that it includes making of faces eyes and other things which are also haram.
Do tattoos affect wudu?
So if I get something that is drawn on my arm which is waterproof and I can feel that this part of the skin is skin and when I put on print or tattoo, it feels that like there’s a plastic layer on my arm, this does not allow to reach your skin. Hence, you cannot apply this because your wudu is not valid. Your gusul would not be accurate.
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