Is Drawing Haram In Islam? A Complete Islamic Guide

Is Drawing Haram or Halal in Islam

Asslamukalekum, my friend, welcome to our blog. I hope you are well being a Muslim. It is essential to know what haram is and halal are because everyone knows Allah SWT made everything easy for every Muslim to follow Islamic instructions. Still, we think this is not mandatory most of the time, and it has become a significant sin in Islam.

Today through this article, we brought up an important topic, Is Drawing Haram In Islam? Because many people think there is no sin in drawing a picture, what do Islam and Quran say about Drawing? So knowing this is drawing haram in Islam, read this article.

Drawing haram in Islam? The answer is no, but there is a different situation for drawing haram or halal in Islam. It depends on what you are drawing; it would be haram if you are drawing naked bodies, devils, murder, rape, obscenities, or pictures to ridicule someone or their religion. Removing sceneries, trees, flowers, birds, houses, streets, apartments, and buildings would be okay.

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What is Drawing Means

Drawing is a form of pictorial art in which a person uses different drawing instruments to mark paper or another two-dimensional medium. Instruments include graphite pencils, pen and ink, inked brushes, wax colour pencils, crayons, charcoal, chalk, pastels, erasers, markers, styluses, metals (such as silverpoint) and electronic drawing.

Drawing can be a Graphical representation/Expression of anything in this world, or it can be imagination upon a plane surface. Drawing can describe a feeling or a View, or it can be an occasion, or it can be anything that exists on this earth. 

Drawing can be a way of living in the world, of exploring the kinesthetic pleasures of moving one’s hand and eye, whether while letting the mind wander and create marks and designs or when looking enormously at a scented subject in the “real world”. Or anything in between.

Is Drawing Haram In Islam?

Drawing is not haram but taking pictures of human beings as portraits for two reasons: portraits stir the desire for what is temporary in the world; for example, youth is temporary, and we want to look young forever. We are repeatedly reminded in Quran to strive for the Hereafter, which is eternal life. One of the reasons for the development of abstract painting is shallowness in representing the temporary in the world, and 2) portraits lead to polytheism because they are used to adore people, and gradually people add to their love and start attributing divine powers to people.

It depends on what you are drawing; it would be haram if you are drawing naked bodies, devils, murder, rape, obscenities, or pictures to ridicule someone or their religion. It would be okay to draw sceneries, trees, flowers, birds, houses, streets, apartments, and buildings.

Why is Drawing Considered Haram?

Why is Drawing Considered Haram?
Why is Drawing Haram Consider in Islam?

It depends on what you are drawing; it would be haram if you are drawing naked bodies, devils, murder, rape, obscenities, or pictures to ridicule someone or their religion. It would be okay to draw sceneries, trees, flowers, birds, houses, streets, apartments, and buildings.

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What Does the Quran Say About Drawings of People?

There is no exact verse in the Holy Quran about the sketch or drawing, which is why some scholars say painting is okay. But in a similar context, Allah (SWT) has mentioned many times in the Quran that “those who create and worship pictures and sculptures as idols are not among Muslims because they are those who associate partners with the one true God.”

Why is it Haram to Draw a Human Face in Islam?

We must go to the prophet’s hadith and learn from them. Hence, we have a hadith from the prophet, which is very authentic when he said to Mother Ayesha most severely punished people on the day of judgment and hellfire are those who draw pictures of living creatures. He told her I didn’t you know that the owners of these pictures are the most severe on the day of judgment.

Allah SWT says in kudsi Hadith who is more sinful that for those who create like my creation let them create a piece of Barley let them create and end will be told us that those who draw such picture would be told on the day of judgment to give life to them and they won’t.

Why do people always say Drawing is Haram?

Allah SWT says in kudsi Hadith who is more sinful that for those who create like my creation let them create a piece of Barley let them create and end will be told us that those who draw such picture would be told on the day of judgment to give life to them and they won’t.

Why is it Haram to Draw the Pictures of the Prophets in Islam?

No, we are not allowed to draw images of any Prophet, Jesus, Peace be upon him, lived before Muhammad, Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and we do not know how Muhammad looked like, so how will we know what Jesus looked like ?

Muhammad PBUH feared that after his death, the Arabs would be made a statue of him and prostrate it, which is against the very principle of Islam.
Muhammad PBUH was a great figure; drawing his sketches would ridicule him. There is nothing in Quraan and Sahi Hadith where Muhammad PBUH told his disciples to draw his picture. On the contrary, he professes to act like him in all walks of life.

Is Drawing Living Things Haram?

Is Drawing Living Things Haram?
Is Drawing Haram for Living Things Haram in Islam?

So drawing pictures of living animals, birds, fish, insects, or humans is prohibited, and having the face only without eyes would still be prohibited. If you don’t have the head and throw the body, there is no difference of opinion that this is ok, so the body without the head is permissible.

Some say that even if you have the head but no features, Give with life, no eyes, no nose, no Mouth, nothing, just the head itself empty, this is also permissible, and Allah SWT knows best.

Is portrait Drawing Forbidden in Islam?

Drawing portraits is forbidden in Islam as it is told by Prophet Muhammed(S.A.W) that the artist would face severe torment on the day of resurrection, and this is only for the drawing of Allah’s creation. I will quote your two hadiths based on this question.

Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) saying, “Every painter will go to Hell, and for every portrait he has made, there will be appointed one who will chastise him in the Hell.” Ibn `Abbas said: If you have to do it, draw pictures of trees and other inanimate things.

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said: The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) visited me after returning from a journey, and I had a shelf with a thin cloth curtain hanging over it and on which there were portraits. When he saw it, the colour of his face changed (because of anger) and he said, “O Aishah! the most grievous torment from Allah on the Day of Resurrection will be for those who imitate (Allah) in the act of His creation.” `Aishah said: We tore it into pieces and made a cushion or two cushions out of that.

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Is it Haram to Draw Anatomy or Humans in Islam?

Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said: The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) visited me after returning from a journey, and I had a shelf with a thin cloth curtain hanging over it and on which there were portraits. When he saw it, the colour of his face changed (because of anger) and he said, “O Aishah! the most grievous torment from Allah on the Day of Resurrection will be for those who imitate (Allah) in the act of His creation.” `Aishah said: We tore it into pieces and made a cushion or two cushions out of that.

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Is Drawing people without Facial Features Haram in Islam?

It is not permissible to draw a face of a human being because this mimics and imitates the creation of Allah SWT, and this is one of the major sins in Islam. Covering some part of the face with flowers does not change the ruling. The face is there. We can tell it’s the face of a human being. This is not permissible to draw the shape of a human being without a face without any features being recognized.

Some scholars say this is permissible because such cellulite has no life. There is no life in such as the Puma logo sportswear, you can see this tiger in the water, but you don’t see the face. You don’t see my eyes. It’s just a shape. They say that this is not haram. This is permissible, and Allah SWT knows the best.

Is Drawing Eyes Haram?

It is not permissible to draw a face of a human being because this mimics and imitates the creation of Allah SWT, and this is one of the major sins in Islam. Covering some part of the face with flowers does not change the ruling. The face is there. We can tell it’s the face of a human being. This is not permissible to draw the shape of a human being without a face without any features being recognized.

Is Drawing Anime/Cartoon Character Haram in Islam?

So Drawing Anime/Cartoon Character and living animals, birds, fish, insects, or humans is prohibited, and having the face only without eyes would still be prohibited. If you don’t have the head and throw the body, there is no difference of opinion that this is ok, so the body without the head is permissible.

Is it Haram to Draw Flowers?

You can draw anything that does not have a soul, so drawing human beings, animals, fish, or Birds is prohibited; drawing mountains, flowers, buildings, Sun, moon, stars, lakes, and oceans. There is no problem in that

Is it Haram to Draw Angels?

Drawing, sculptures, photography, etc. of abstract images are allowed, i.e. Scenery, Flowers, trees, mountains, buildings, ocean, sunrise/set, etc.

Prohibition is anything that represents a life form, i.e. Humans, angels, animals, birds, insects, etc. We will be questioned about it and asked, “Give life to that which you have created.”

Is it Haram to Draw a Faceless Cat?

Allah SWT says in kudsi Hadith who is more sinful that for those who create like my creation let them create a piece of Barley let them create and end will be told us that those who draw such picture would be told on the day of judgment to give life to them and they won’t.

So drawing pictures of living animals, birds, fish, insects, or humans is prohibited, and having the face only without eyes would still be prohibited. If you don’t have the head and throw the body, there is no difference of opinion that this is ok, so the body without the head is permissible.

Some say that even if you have the head but no features, Give with life, no eyes, no nose, no Mouth, nothing, just the head itself empty, this is also permissible, and Allah SWT knows best.

Is Drawing Mentioned in the Quran?

Is Drawing Mentioned in the Quran?
Is Drawing haram Mentioned in the Quran?

There is no exact verse in the Holy Quran about the sketch or drawing, which is why some scholars say painting is okay. But in a similar context, Allah (SWT) has mentioned many times in the Quran that “those who create and worship pictures and sculptures as idols are not among Muslims because they are those who associate partners with the one true God.”

Is it Haram to sell Goods with Animal Drawings on them?

Drawing animate beings is haram. Drawing and selling them is then also haram. Like? It is haram to draw images in Islam. Islam does not like this art; either it is making sculptures or drawing images of alive creatures. Islam does not allow drawing images of the prophets, including Jesus AS and Muhammad PBUH, or other noble personalities.

Are Muslims allowed to Draw Images of Jesus?

No, Muslims are not allowed to draw Jesus. We don’t even know what Jesus looked like, and it’s respectless to show him what he does not look like. You would not like to. Is that happening with you?
In Islam, drawing any creature with a soul is forbidden, like men, animals, angels, or ghosts is forbidden.

It is Haram to Draw Images for Worship?

Drawing, sculptures, photography, etc. of abstract images are allowed, i.e. Scenery, Flowers, trees, mountains, buildings, ocean, sunrise/set, etc. Prohibition is anything that represents a life form, i.e. Humans, angels, animals, birds, insects, etc. We will be questioned about it and asked, “Give life to that which you have created.”

Final Word

Just visualize. Would you want anyone to copy your drawing? And even if you allow it, you will still notice flaws in it, which leads to you naturally favoring your drawing. Similarly, Allah SWT has created everything in the best manner; we humans cannot, I repeat, cannot create anything as perfect as He made.

Note: Please remember that only living things are disallowed to be created (human faces, animals, birds, etc.) but nature and artificial products are permitted to be drawn.

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