Is It Haram To Dye Your Hair? A Guide for Muslims to Find Out

Is It Haram To Dye Your Hair

Assalam Alaykum Brothers and Sisters, I Hope You are Well. Today, through this article, we will try to tell you Is It Haram To Dye Your Hair?

Friends, Islam is the only religion in the world that tells the difference between Haram and Halal. Knowing whom we can protect our faith. which is a sign of a believer. You must also know that perhaps it is a big thing for a Muslim that he should abstain from Haram things.

The way humans differentiate between Haram and halal in food and drink, similarly it also comes to the mind of many people that is it Haram to dye hair?

The way we protect one thing that is ours, in the same way, it is also necessary to protect our faith by leaving out the Haram thing.

The Meaning of “Haram”

Haram is an Arabic word that means “forbidden” Haram is the things that are prohibited in the Quran and the Sunnah, and things Muslims cannot do.

We have tried to tell some things that are Haram in Islam to avoid Haram things.

1. Music

” There will certainly be people from my Ummah who will try to legalize fornication, the wearing of silk (for men), the consuming of wine and the use of musical instruments.”

2. Drinking Alcohol And Gambling

Drinking and gambling are one of the greatest sins in Islam Allah and his prophet have prohibited us from drinking Alcohol.

Allah says in Quran

“Oh you who believe! Draw not near onto prayer when drunken, till you know that with you water”

Allah Says in Quran

3. Hitting Oneself or the other

If you are hitting yourself such as your face or chest and grief or anything or hitting any other person is strictly haram!

Allah says in Quran

“Killing does not mean taking life only. It also means to hurt Anyone as well.”

4. Eating Or Earning Interest.

Riba (interset) is never allowed in islam because it is a system that makes poorest rich the richest.

The Prophet (pbuh) said; “A Dhiram of riba a man recieves knowingly is worse than committing adultery 36 times”

5. Men wearing silk and gold

These two things are attributed to women only, and Islam prohibits men from being like women and being like men.

6. Masturbation.

In today’s world, when the internet is easily accessible, Anyone can search and watch anything, which triggers this addiction. Masturbation harms your health; this is why Islam prohibits it for every Muslim and labels it as Zina.

7. Slaughtering animal without Allah’s name

“Eat not (oh believers) of that (meat) on which Allah name not been pronounced, for sure it is a fisq ( A sin and disobedience to allah).” Al Quran 6:121

8. Tattoos

“May Allah curse the women who do tattoos and those for whom tattoos are done those who pluck their eyebrows and those who find their teeth from the purpose of beautification and the answer of the creation of Allah” Al Bukhari.

9. Suicide

“He who commits suicide by throttling shall keep on throttling (himself) in the hellfire (forever) and he who commits suicide by stabbing (himself) shall keep on stabbing himself in the hellfire”. Al Bukhari

10. Forcing Your wife

The Prophet (pbuh) said; “The best of you are those who are best to their wives in I am best of you to my wives.” Al Tirmidhi

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What does Islam say about hair?

Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “Change it with something but avoid black“.

Narrated by Ibn ‘Abbas, who attributed it to the Prophet peace be upon him): “Some people will dye their hair black like the breasts of pigeons at the end of time. But they will not even smell the fragrance of Paradise.”

What Did the Prophet Say?

Jaabir ibn ‘Abdullah reported that Abu Quhaafah was brought on the day of the conquest of Makkah, and his head and beard were white like “thaghaamah” (a plant whose flowers and fruit are white). The Messenger of Allah (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Change this with something, but avoid black.” (Reported by muslim 6239)

Is it haram to bleach hair?

There is some difference of opinion in whether bleaching hair is haram or not. Some scholars have said that it is suitable for women to bleach their hair. A woman can bleach her father for the pleasure of her husband. But keep in mind that the chemical you use should not contain any haram ingredients.

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How Do Muslims Feel About Dyeing Their Hair?

Muslim people dye their beard so that they can follow the Sunnah of their prophet. Because Muhammad used to dye his beard with henna, every Muslim should try to imitate the Sunnah of the Prophet in every deed and form.

What Does Islam Say About Changing One’s Appearance?

The Islamic perspective on matters relating to beautification and adornment is one of extreme balance. On the one hand, Shari’ah allows the various genuine non-surgical means of beautification such as jewellery, Hena, Kohl, perfume and different creams and balms. On the other hand, however, it prohibits the tampering and altering of the body through surgical means, considering it a form of mutilation and “changing the nature created by Allah “(their Khalq Allah)” hence the prohibition of cosmetic surgery.

Is it Haram to Dye your Hair Black?

Black dyeing the hair in black Is forbidden. This is the most authentic opinion of scholars because the prophet was excellent when it came to the eight years to Makkah and the conquest of Makkah Abu, who had the father of Abu Bakr R.Z. was bought to him. His hair and beard were all white, so the prophet said some changed this whiteness and avoided black, so dyeing and black not permissible.

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Why is it Haram to Dye your Hair Black?

Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “Change it with something but avoid black“.

Narrated by Ibn ‘Abbas, who attributed it to the Prophet peace be upon him): “Some people will dye their hair black like the breasts of pigeons at the end of time. But they will not even smell the fragrance of Paradise.”

This may be because black hair causes one to seem young, so if an older person dye their hair black, they may appear more youthful than they are. This is deceptive.

Narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

He who deceives is not of me (i.e. is not my follower).”

Sahih Muslim • Book 1, Hadith 190

Is it Haram to Dye Hair (Blue, Pink, Purple, Green, Silver)?

dye hair in islam
Is It Haram to Dye Your Hair?

It is providing that you do not imitate the disbelievers. Hence, a Muslim person says, sure, I’d like to dye my hair in purple or green and silver; pink is not acceptable because this is not usually; first of all, it would make a person stand out in a crowd. In Islam, this is not permissible to wear something or do something or stand up in the crowd. Something that does not normally make a person stand out in a crowd is not permissible in Islam.

Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar:

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “He who imitates a people is one of them.

Sunan Abi Dawud 4301

What Colors are Halal to Dye your Hair with?

Dyeing the hair is permissible, providing a person does not dye their hair in black, we must avoid the color black this is not permissible in Islam to dye our hair in black. So you can dye your hair in any suitable color you wish, whether it’s gray it’s dark brown it’s a blonde. This is permissible.

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Is it Haram to Dye your Eyebrows or Beard?

It is not haram to dye your eyebrows or beard. The same ruling as dyeing hair applies. You can use any natural hair color to dye your eyebrows and beards but avoid black.

Is it Haram for Men to Dye Their Hair?

Dyeing the hair is permissible, providing a person does not dye their hair in black, we must avoid the color black this is not permissible in Islam to dye our hair in black. So you can dye your hair in any suitable color you wish, whether it’s gray it’s dark brown it’s a blonde. This is permissible.

Did Prophet Muhammad Dye His Hair?

Many scholars have given their opinion about whether the prophet used to dye his hair or not. We have conflicting narrations in the books of hadith that suggest he did dye his blessed hair. There are also other narrations that state he did not dye his hair.

Ibn Sirin (may Allah have mercy on him) reported:

I asked Anas b. Malik whether Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) dyed his hair. He said: “He had not reached the stage when (he needed) dyeing (of his white hair). He had a few white hair in his beard“.

I said to him: Did Abu Bakr dye his hair? He said: “Yes, with hina’ (henna)”.

[Sahih Muslim • Book 43, Hadith 132 • Graded Authentic (Sahih)]

Why do Muslim Men Dye their Beards?

Muslim people dye their beard so that they can follow the Sunnah of their prophet. Because Muhammad used to dye his beard with henna, every Muslim should try to imitate the Sunnah of the Prophet in every deed and form.

It was narrated that Abu Rimthah said:

“I came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and I saw that he had dyed his beard with yellow dye.” [Sunan an-Nasa’i • Book 48, Hadith 45 • Graded Authentic (Sahih)]

I saw Ibn ‘Umar dyeing his beard yellow and I asked him about that. ‘He said: “I saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) dye his beard yellow.

Is Highlighting Hair Allowed in Islam?

Adorning oneself for her spouse is recommended, and adorning oneself for his spouse is also recommended.

Abdullah ibn Abbas May Allah peace be upon him he used to say, I adorn myself for my wife. Allah SWT said when a woman gets a particular haircut or dye her hair in an attractive color, she is not using anything chemically-based for harmful. It may be harming her hair or skin. It is also permissible if she is not imitating the non-believers because we’re not allowed to copy and imitate the non-believers.

In other words, when a woman sees an actress doing her hair in such style or highlights, so she covers her or imitates her, you will be resurrected with those you like and those you imitate.

But if you go to a salon you trust and get a hairstyle or dye, that is permissible if you avoid the restrictions we have mentioned.

Is Garnier, Revlon, Loreal, Bigen Hair Color Halal or Haram?

The ingredients of hair dye brands such as Garnier, Revlon, Bigen, and Loreal may Call them Halal or Haram is a bit difficult because all the brands keep on changing their products from time to time. For this, we need to do good research about the color of any brand before using it.

Is it Haram to Dye your Hair while Fasting during Ramadan?

The obvious answer to this is in the affirmative you can we can because fasting primarily relates to putting a stop or putting a halt to certain instincts which relate to our eating drinking insects. so as far as using the dye is concerned as far as coloring the hair is concerned so h henna any other colors it is allowed.

Is Bleaching Hair Haram?

is it haram to dye your hair in islam
is it haram to dye your hair in islam

There is some difference of opinion in whether hair whitening is haram or not. Some scholars have said that it is suitable for women to bleach their hair. A woman can bleach her father for the pleasure of her husband. But keep in mind that the chemical you use should not contain any haram ingredients.

Is It Haram to Dye Your Hair Black with Henna?

Dyeing hair with henna is not haraam. But we should not use black henna to dye the hair, it is forbidden in Islam because the natural color of henna is not black.

Is It Haram to Dye Your Hair Blonde

Dyeing the hair is permissible, providing a person does not dye their hair in black, we must avoid the color black this is not permissible in Islam to dye our hair in black. So you can dye your hair in any suitable color you wish, whether it’s gray it’s dark brown it’s a blonde. This is permissible.

Jaabir ibn ‘Abdullah reported that Abu Quhaafah was brought on the day of the conquest of Makkah, and his head and beard were white like “thaghaamah” (a plant whose flowers and fruit are white). The Messenger of Allah (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Change this with something, but avoid black.” (Reported by muslim 6239)

Is there any objection in Islam for a woman to dye her hair while she is menstruating?

Dye is only a colour, not a layer. If a woman has dye on her hair after the removal and washing of the residue, only the paint remains in a couple of weeks. Colour fade is not a layer that you can peel off. There is no any objection in islam for a women to dye her hair while she is menstruating.

Is It Haram To Dye Your Hair Related Question (FAQs)

Is it haram to dye your hair if your a girl?

Dyeing the hair is permissible, for a girl, providing a person does not dye their hair in black, we must avoid the colour black. This is not permissible in Islam to dye our hair in black.

Can you pray with dyed hair?

Yes a man can offer pray with dyed hair. Black dyeing the hair in black Is forbidden

Did Prophet Muhammad dye his hair?

Many scholars have given their opinion about whether the prophet used to dye his hair or not. We have conflicting narrations in the books of hadith that suggest he did dye his blessed hair.

Which colour is haram in Islam?

avoid the color black this is not permissible in Islam to dye our hair in black.

Is bleaching hair haram in Islam?

There is some difference of opinion in whether bleaching hair is haram or not. Some scholars have said that it is suitable for women to bleach their hair. A woman can bleach her father for the pleasure of her husband.


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