Is Shrimp Halal? Sunni, Shia, Hanafi Muslims

Is Shrimp Halal or Haram?

Before eating anything, know whether it is halal or haram according to Islamic dietary laws; this is an essential part of the Muslim faith.

There are lots of seafood where Muslims get stuck before eating them. Muslim scholars have different opinions about eating them, such as lobster, crabs and crocodiles.

Before eating anything, know whether it is halal or haram according to Islamic dietary laws; this is an essential part of the Muslim faith.

Muslim people get struck before eating seafood; it is halal and haram. Regarding the shrimp, they also consider whether it is halal or haram.

Everyone knows about shrimp. It comes from the crustacean family. This creature is also known for its high nutrition. It is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

Is shrimp halal or haram? In Islam, it is the most debatable topic among people. Yes, shrimp is considered halal in Islam, according to most Islamic scholars.

The Holy Quran is the most important source of determinants of the halal and haram concepts. It includes all the things and foods.

This article provides the right information about shrimp halal or haram and what the Holy Quran says about this debatable topic.

We will also know why people think shrimp is halal and why Muslims can consume it.

Is Shrimp Halal?

Yes, shrimp is considered halal in Islam, and most Islamic scholars are allowed to consume shrimp.

The status of shrimp being halal Islamic scholars considered in this holy Quran verse mentioned, “Lawful to you is what you catch from the sea and (use) it for food as provisions for yourselves and travellers.”(Quran 5:96)

If shrimp is caught and prepared in a halal Islamic way, Muslims can consume it. Also, shrimp meet all these criteria that make seafood halal, as shrimp is a water creature with scales.

Some Islamic scholars disagree with being shrimp halal; they argue shrimp does not come from a fish family and it is a crustacean, a group of crab and lobster.

These creatures do not fall into the fish category, so Muslims cannot be consumed.

Whereas most Muslim scholars allow eating shrimp. Here are some reasons why shrimp are considered halal by most Islamic scholars.

  • According to the holy Quran, “Lawful to you is what you catch from the sea and (use) it for food as provisions for yourselves and travellers.”(Quran 5:96). Shrimp are water creatures and have scales; therefore, most scholars allow them to eat Shrimp.
  • Shrimp are consumed worldwide for their high-nutrition source of good protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and other vitamins and minerals.

The status of shrimp halal in Islam is allowed, and a Muslim can consume it. As we all know, the Holy Quran does not let seafood that does not have scale. Therefore, shrimp has scale, so it would be considered halal.

Why Is Shrimp Halal?

Most Islamic schools allow us to eat shrimp because it is water creatures, and shrimp have scales that make them halal and allow us to eat.

It does not specifically mention shrimp in the holy Quran; however, these verses of the holy Quran are often cited as evidence that shrimp are allowed to be eaten by a Muslim.

“Lawful to you is what the sea casts up for you as food…” (Quran 5:96)

These verses of the Holy Quran do not mention any specific seafood, but some scholars say it is for fish. On the other hand, most scholars say these Holy verses are for all water creatures.

Those scholars argue shrimp is halal, and they also say this verse for all water creatures with scales. And shrimp have scales, so they consider shrimp halal for Muslims.

Different Islamic school opinions

According to Different Islamic school’s opinions, shafi’i, Maliki, and Hanbali consider shrimp halal for Muslims and allowed to eat. These Islamic schools permissible to eat shrimp based on the following Quran verse:

“Lawful to you is what the sea casts up for you as food…” (Quran 5:96)

All those scholars consider these verses to refer to all seafood, including shrimp. It says all seafood is halal, which has scales, and shrimp have scales, making this creature halal.

Is shrimp halal for Sunni?

According to Different Islamic school’s opinions, shafi’i, Maliki, and Hanbali consider shrimp halal for Muslims and allowed to eat.

On the other hand, according to Hanafi jurisprudence, shrimp is not halal or prohibited to eat. They usually refer to this hadith.

“The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘All amphibious animals are forbidden.’” (Sahih Bukhari)

Shrimp are considered amphibious creature as per this hadith; consumption of amphibious are prohibited. The animals which live in both water and land are amphibious. Therefore, some scholars consider haram.

Is shrimp halal in Hanafi?

According to Hanafi jurisprudence, shrimp is not halal or prohibited to eat. They usually refer to this hadith.

“The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘All amphibious animals are forbidden.’” (Sahih Bukhari)

Shrimp are considered amphibious creature as per this hadith; consumption of amphibious are prohibited. The animals which live in both water and land are amphibious. Therefore, some scholars consider haram.

Is shrimp halal Shia?

Yes, according to most shia muslim scholars, shrimp is halal. In the Jafari Shia schools, they are allowed to eat shrimp.

The Shia Muslim tradition scholars also took the same verse evidence, which is cited by the sunni muslim tradition, as well.

Does Quran Consider Eating Sea Food Halal?

Yes, the Holy Quran considers consuming seafood halal and permissible for Muslims. These quran verses states:

“Lawful to you is what the sea casts up for you as food…” (Quran 5:96)

These verses are not any specific seafood, referring to all seafood, including crab, lobster and shrimp. Therefore, most Islamic scholars are allowed to eat seafood.

In this verse of the holy Quran, some Islamic scholars argue that seafood with scales and shrimp have scales so we can eat the shrimp.

What Does Scholar Say About Shrimp Being Halal Or Haram?

Most Islamic schools allow us to eat shrimp because it is water creatures, and shrimp have scales that make them halal and allow us to eat.

According to Different Islamic school’s opinions, shafi’i, Maliki, and Hanbali consider shrimp halal for Muslims and allowed to eat. These Islamic schools permissible to eat shrimp based on the following Quran verse:

Lawful to you is what you catch from the sea and (use) it for food as provisions for yourselves and travellers.”(Quran 5:96).

On the other hand, according to Hanafi jurisprudence, shrimp is not halal or prohibited to eat. They usually refer to this hadith.

“The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘All amphibious animals are forbidden.’” (Sahih Bukhari)

Why is Shrimp Halal but not Lobster

There are some reasons why Muslim scholars consider shrimp halal but not lobster. First, we should know that the Holy Quran does not explicitly mention shrimp or lobster.

The verse that refers to seafood being halal and uses the word “fish” Muslim scholars interpret this verse means they say these verses for only those fish with scales are halal in Islam, and shrimp have scales, while lobster does not.


Are Shrimp And Prawn The Same?

We cannot consider prawns and shrimp the same. They both are crustaceans, but they come from different suborders. Prawns come from the sub-order Dendrobranchiata. In comparison, shrimp comes from the sub-order Pleocyemata.

Can Muslims eat shrimps based on Islamic law?

According to Different Islamic school’s opinions, shafi’i, Maliki, and Hanbali consider shrimp halal for Muslims and allowed to eat.

Will Muslims eat shrimp?

According to Different Islamic school’s opinions, shafi’i, Maliki, and Hanbali consider shrimp halal for Muslims and allowed to eat.

Are shrimps and prawns halal?

Most scholars, including the Shafi’i, Maliki, and Hanbali madhhabs, consider shrimp and prawns halal or permissible. They took the evidence of the following Quran verse:
“Lawful to you is what the sea casts up for you as food…” (Quran 5:96)
On the other hand, according to Hanafi jurisprudence, shrimp is not halal or prohibited to eat.

Is it a sin to eat shrimp?

Most of the Muslim scholars allow eating shrimp.


The status of shrimp being halal depends on different Islamic jurisprudence schools or which Islamic jurisprudence you follow.

According to Different Islamic school’s opinions, shafi’i, Maliki, and Hanbali consider shrimp halal for Muslims and allowed to eat. These Islamic schools permissible to eat shrimp based on the following Quran verse:

Lawful to you is what you catch from the sea and (use) it for food as provisions for yourselves and travellers.”(Quran 5:96).

On the other hand According to Hanafi jurisprudence, shrimp is not halal or prohibited to eat.

Being a Muslim, if you have any doubt regarding any seafood, whether it is halal or haram, the best practice is to avoid that particular seafood because Allah SWT has made so many things that we can eat without any doubt.

Allah says in the holy Quran: “… Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you…” [al-Baqarah 2:185]

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